Wingnut Training
Is your dog a wingnut?
About Your Trainer
Zoë is an eclectic trainer of some 30+ years experience and has never met a stubborn dog – just a whole bunch that were reliable about the wrong things. She’s a bit eccentric, perennially scruffy and was pretty much raised in a college psychology lab (which probably explains a lot). When she isn’t training dogs, she’s either cooking, gardening or having hay picked out of her hair by her very patient husband.
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Her dog experience includes formal dog sports – obedience, flyball, agility, musical freestyle, tricks – partly because it’s really fun but also because with enough ribbons and certificates on the wall, you don’t have to re-paint as often. There’s also some guest speaking, clinics and workshops, shelter work, a youth correctional facility dog program and a couple movie credits.
Zoë decided at age seven to be a trainer and can still remember exactly where she was standing in the school library when she realized that was an option. She studied, volunteered, washed dogs, scooped poop and became a trainer about ten years later. Other than a year off to work with horses and a brief stint in the reserves, training is how she’s earned her keep since then – so she’s pretty much still doing all those things.
She lives on a small farm with her weird little blue dog, three lazy semi-retired pack goats, too many sheep and a very handsome mule.

Design Your Own Dog
Begin Where you are
Exuberant, boisterous, mischievous, independent, smart, creative, cheeky – if all the things you love best about your dog are also the ones that drive you crazy, you’re in the right place.
Take a moment to think about where you are as a partnership. What are the three things you most appreciate about your dog? How about the top three things on your behaviour wish list? What was the dream you had when you first decided to bring this dog into your life? Now dream a little bigger. Hold that vision firmly in your heart and know that it’s achievable.
?What's Next
- So, now that you know where you are with your dog and where you want to be, you get to decide how you want to get there. Every human/canine partnership is unique and deserves a personalized approach. Whatever your training goals or challenges, you’ll get there faster and easier with a positive, games-based approach based on solid science.You can choose between One-to-One lessons or Dayschool. Either way, you’ll get the skills you need to shape the behaviours you want and your dog will develop the life skills they need to navigate life in your world.
One to One Lessons
- The secret to having a dog that really listens to you is learning how to listen to them. In as few as five tailored lessons, you’ll develop essential foundation skills and see solid results. Learn how to create, shape and manage behaviours as you strengthen your relationship and start on the path to true connection
Sessions take place at your home (or in a location of your choosing)
Day School
- In an ideal world, we’d all have the time, energy and resources to work with our dogs every day. When life gets extra challenging, Dayschool can be a great option. This program includes an orientation lesson plus daily updates and weekly progress videos to guide your home practice.Your dog will learn foundation behaviours, life skills, useful tricks, scent work and introductory agility. Multiple training sessions and enrichment activities each day will make sure your dog comes home tired and happy
Lifelong Learning
- Training a dog is a bit like learning a musical instrument. How long does it take? That depends on what you want to be able to play and how much time you devote to quality practice. Natural talent and prior learning also play a role. When it comes to your dog, it takes just a few lessons to see tangible results, a few more to achieve some consistency and ultimately, a lifetime to lovingly craft the relationship you want with your dog.Whether we train together for a handful of lessons or throughout your dog’s life, ongoing support will always be just a call or text away.
Begin Where you are
Exuberant, boisterous, mischievous, independent, smart, creative, cheeky – if all the things you love best about your dog are also the ones that drive you crazy, you’re in the right place.
Take a moment to think about where you are as a partnership. What are the three things you most appreciate about your dog? How about the top three things on your behaviour wish list? What was the dream you had when you first decided to bring this dog into your life? Now dream a little bigger. Hold that vision firmly in your heart and know that it’s achievable.
What's Next?
So, now that you know where you are with your dog and where you want to be, you get to decide how you want to get there.
Every human/canine partnership is unique and deserves a personalized approach. Whatever your training goals or challenges, you’ll get there faster and easier with a positive, games-based approach based on solid science.
You can choose between One-to-One lessons or Dayschool. Either way, you’ll get the skills you need to shape the behaviours you want and your dog will develop the life skills they need to navigate life in your world.
One to One Lessons
The secret to having a dog that really listens to you is learning how to listen to them. In as few as five tailored lessons, you’ll develop essential foundation skills and see solid results. Learn how to create, shape and manage behaviours as you strengthen your relationship and start on the path to true connection.
(Sessions take place at your home or in a location of your choosing.)
Day School
In an ideal world, we’d all have the time, energy and resources to work with our dogs every day. When life gets extra challenging, Dayschool can be a great option. This program includes an orientation lesson plus daily updates and weekly progress videos to guide your home practice.Your dog will learn foundation behaviours, life skills, useful tricks, scent work and introductory agility. Multiple training sessions and enrichment activities each day will make sure your dog comes home tired and happy.
Lifelong Learning
Training a dog is a bit like learning a musical instrument. How long does it take? That depends on what you want to be able to play and how much time you devote to quality practice. Natural talent and prior learning also play a role.
When it comes to your dog, it takes just a few lessons to see tangible results, a few more to achieve some consistency and ultimately, a lifetime to lovingly craft the relationship you want with your dog.
Whether we train together for a handful of lessons or throughout your dog’s life, ongoing support will always be just a call or text away.
Training Plans
Custom packages and long distance coaching also available
5 One-To-One Lessons
10 One-To-One Lessons
(One or two dogs, 1-2x weekly)
10 Dayschool Sessions
(One dog, 2-4x weekly)
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Helping you find
the dog you always wanted inside the dog you have
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